Consequence "Take Em to the Cleaners" Album Review
Kanye West Presented By Consequence (***)
Remember Beats Rhymes & Life? Regardless of what you thought of it (personally I was a fan) you'd have to remember that dude that seemed to be on every other track. His name was Consequence and he was the younger cousin of Q-Tip. This what seemed to be newly inducted member of the ATCQ family was nowhere to be seen on the final (brings a tear to my eye everytime) album of the Quest and I'd forgotten about him completely until I spotted this Mixtape. The biggest misconception given with this album is that it is here to showcase Consequence as he is never really given the room to let loose and shine without either a. Kanye stepping in and repping himself or b. a guest coming in and spitting some lines, however once you've moved past this fact you find your self in quite an enjoyable experience, the Cons style has changed a bit from his appearances on Beats, Rhymes & Life, it seams he's definately been hanging around his friend Kanye West and his Roc-A-Fella counterparts more than his cousins Native Tounges clique as his lyrics can be somewhat womanising and bling based at times, still he does it with charm and swagger that gets you feeling it. Guest wise their are some magic moments such as I See Now with Kanye & Little Brother also Incredible Hulk and So Soulful with John Legend step it up. Overall this is an album that much like a mixtape is missing coherence due primarly to the lack of any real chance for Consequence to set the record straight on his skills, still it's an album I've found myself going back to more than I expected and one that surprisingly my girl has been feeling too.
Video I See Now - Consequence
homeboy requested a track so i gave it to em...

Opm "Forthemasses" Album Review
Another fine piece of music from the Sub-noize family, don't wait another second buy it now.
Video OPM - Every Day
Track Title - Every Day Album - Forthemasses Artist - OPM
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